Family Communication: Cohesion and Change

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Edition: 9th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2014-04-15
Publisher(s): Routledge
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Addresses the role of communication in developing and maintaining functional, diverse family relationships


Family Communication: Cohesion and Change encourages students to observe family interaction patterns analytically and relate communication theories to family interaction.   Using a framework of family functions, first-person narratives, and current research, Family Communication: Cohesion and Change emphasizes the diversity of today's families in terms of structure, ethnic patterns, and developmental experiences.


MySearchLab is a part of the Galvin/Bylund/Braithwaite program. Research and writing tools, including access to academic journals, help students understand critical thinking in even greater depth. To provide students with flexibility, students can download the eText to a tablet using the free Pearson eText app.


Note: this is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below:


0133814998 / 9780133814996 Family Communication: Cohesion and Change plus MySearchLab with eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:   
0205239927 / 9780205239924 MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card
0205945236 / 9780205945238 Family Communication: Cohesion and Change

Author Biography

Kathleen M. Galvin (Ph.D. Northwestern University) is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University. Her research interests focus on the social construction of families, particularly the discourse-dependent nature of families formed outside of full biological and traditional legal ties. She is the author of “Diversity’s Impact on Defining the Family: Discourse Dependence and Identity” in The Family Communication Sourcebook as well as related pieces on adoption, particularly transracial and/or transnational adoption, and family decision making in high stakes health situations involving minor children. She is the senior author of “Whose Future Is It? Ethical Family Decision Making about Daughters’ Treatment in the Oncofertility Context” as well as a co-author “Learning about Cancer and Fertility: A Guide for Parents of Young Children.” In addition, she served as the senior author of Family Communication: Cohesion and Change, throughout its earlier eight editions and the editor of Making Connections: Readings in Relational Communication, now in its 5th edition.


Carma Bylund, PhD, is Assistant Director of Medical Education at Hamad Medical Center in Doha, Qatar. She is a researcher and teacher whose areas of expertise are healthcare communication and family communication about health. Dr. Bylund is the author of 59 peer-reviewed publications and 16 edited book chapters. Dr. Bylund received her PhD in Communication Studies from Northwestern University in 2001. Dr. Bylund was most recently Director of the Communication Skills Training and Research Laboratory at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Associate Research Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Bylund’s teaching and research focuses on developing, implementing, and assessing interventions to improve patient and clinician communication. In addition, she has researched and published on family communication about genetics and family communication and storytelling.


Dawn O. Braithwaite, PhD, is a Willa Cather Professor and Chair of the Communication Studies Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She studies how people in personal and family relationships interact and negotiate family change and challenges. Her current work is centered in understudied families, communication rituals, and relational dialectics in the context of stepfamilies and voluntary kin. Dr. Braithwaite is the author of 95 articles in journals scholarly books, and co-author or editor of five scholarly books: Family Communication: Cohesion and Change (9th edition), Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication Engaging Theories in Family Communication, Casing Interpersonal Communication: Case Studies in Personal and Social Relationships and Handbook of Communication and People with Disabilities.


Table of Contents

In this Section:

1) Brief Table of Contents

2) Full Table of Contents


1) Brief Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction to the Family

Chapter 2: Framework for Family Communication

Chapter 3: Family Theories

Chapter 4: Communication Patterns and the Creation of Family Identity

Chapter 5: Relational Maintenance within Families

Chapter 6: Intimacy within Partnerships and Families

Chapter 7: Communication and Family Roles and Types

Chapter 8: Power, Influence, and Decision Making in Families

Chapter 9: Communication and Family Conflict

Chapter 10: Communication and Family Developmental Stresses

Chapter 11: Family Communication and Unpredictable Stress

Chapter 12: Family Communication and Well-Being


2) Full Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction to the Family

Families: Definitional Issues

Families: Current Status

Functional Families


Chapter 2: Framework for Family Communication

The Communication Process

Communication Patterns and Family Functions

A Framework for Examining Family Communication


Chapter 3: Family Theories

The Systems Perspective

Social Constructionism/Symbolic Interaction

Relational Dialectics

Narrative Theory/Narrative Performance Theory

Communication Privacy Management Theory


Chapter 4: Communication Patterns and the Creation of Family Identity

Relational Cultures

Communication Patterns That Influence Family Meanings

Narratives and Storytelling


Chapter 5: Relational Maintenance within Families

Relational Maintenance          

Relational Maintenance Strategies     

Relational Currencies


Chapter 6: Intimacy within Partnerships and Families


Self-Expression: Disclosure and Nonverbal Affection

Sexuality and Communication            

Intimacy Factors: Effort, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, and Sanctification 

Barriers to Intimacy


Chapter 7: Communication and Family Roles and Types

Specific Role Functions

The Role Appropriation Process

Couple and Family Typologies


Chapter 8: Power, Influence, and Decision Making in Families



Decision Making


Chapter 9: Communication and Family Conflict

The Process of Conflict  

Unresolved Conflict

Destructive Conflict   

Constructive Conflict


Chapter 10: Communication and Family Developmental Stresses

Overview of Family Change

Family Stages and Life-Course Issues

Transitions Between Stages


Chapter 11: Family Communication and Unpredictable Stress

Unpredictable Stress and Family Coping Patterns

Communication and Specific Crises


Chapter 12: Family Communication and Well-Being

Family Communication and Physical Well-Being

Difficult Conversations on Current Issues

Approaches for Improving Family Communication


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